Thursday, March 31, 2011

Learning More About Mobile Check-in

Mobile check-in is an increasingly popular form of online social networking. It is a totally different form of social network from traditional networks such as Twitter and Facebook because it focuses on locations and places of interest instead of basic sharing of information, pictures and opinions. Some social networks already feature mobile check-in such as Facebook (Facebook Places) and Twitter while others are dedicated to mobile check-in such as Gowalla and FourSquare.

Advantage of Mobile Communications

This type of social networking takes advantage of mobile technology where the precise location of the account holder is detected and updated online. Most of the mobile check-in websites automatically update other social networking sites which mean a single application in the mobile phone could instantly stream the user’s location.

Aside from automatically updating the user account with its location, users are also given an option where they can personally update their account. The option is offered for security purposes since there are some users who do not want to disclose some of the locations they visit.

From Mobile Check-in to Reviews

Mobile check-in consistently develops because of the increasing demand from users. Aside from learning the person’s location, location based social networking websites are also used for review purposes. For example, a person could check-in to a hotel and the account is automatically updated in their preferred social networking site. Because they have checked-in to the hotel, they can provide reviews on the services and facilities. The collective review of visitors who checked-in on the hotel could be used as reference by other users. Businesses can also take advantage of the reviews to promote or improve their services.

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