But offline advertising is no longer just another dull commercial or billboard. Advertising companies and manufacturers are thinking out of the box so that they could get the attention of the potential customers. These agencies are now tapping technology which could offer more than just a simple commercial of the product. With the help of technology, digital advertising offline is quickly becoming interactive.
One of the leading pioneers of digital advertising offline is Nesquick. They created a wall with giant screen that interacts with everyone who pass by. The official mascot and the companies milkshake product were interactive and moved as people passed by, something that will surely catch your attention. The technology implemented is considered revolutionary because this is the first time offline advertising has become truly interactive using such a large screen LCD.
Digital offline advertising is already an increasing trend in Japan. Manufacturers are using tech giants to offer unique advertising with advanced options such as being able to scan the gender of the person looking at the billboard. This idea of a truly interactive environment is slowly being implemented in many countries advertising campaigns and soon people will not just stare at bare billboards they will interact
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