Call these ideas crazy, but the people who conceptualized these ideas have become millionaires. If you want to be financially stable, you might just have to do that.
But a crazy idea alone is not the key to a successful online venture. These products and services were highly successful because they offered something unique. They explored a niche not seen before. As a result, they have attracted millions and most of them will buy because it's something they have never seen before. Being crazy that can attract millions is very different from a crazy website that’s just annoying.
Aside from being a unique product and service, these companies were able to gain attention because of humor. Antenna balls are not necessarily a great product but it offers humor for every online visitor. Humor is also a good method of advertising as this can cause other people to share your website. This is a form of viral marketing that can help your product or service succeed.
Think of a very unique product or service you can offer online. Add a little humor and some smart advertising, then you should be able to gain the attention of millions around the world and eventually start earning some money.
1. There's a movement to radically change California government, by getting rid of career politicians and chopping their salaries in half. A group known as Citizens for California Reform wants to make the California legislature a part time time job, just like it was until 1966.