Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee quit

Lee Kun-hee was South Korea's most influential businessman and chairman of Samsung until few days ago when he was forced to announce his resignation as chairman of Samsung while the powerful conglomerate still shakes from charges of massive tax evasion.

The 66-year-old Lee spearheaded South Korea's most powerful family-run company for 20 years while incorporating in his figure the country's ultra-secretive management structures. Many actually believe the same structures are personified by Lee, a man once considered untouchable because of his close ties to successive governments in Seoul.

Nevertheless, many regarded the apology for to his shocked compatriots as a rare show of accountability and welcomed Lee Kun-hee’s the resignation. Others though, voiced concern that his downfall would not only damage the conglomerate's reputation but hold back attempts by South Korea's new president to repair the battered economy.

Let’s not forget Samsung group, having interests in consumer electronics, shipbuilding and construction, accounts for as much as 20% of South Korea's exports. The Republic of Samsung as called by many, has more than 250,000 employees, and its annual revenues of $160bn (£81bn) are around the size of Singapore's gross domestic product.
I don't get, why tax invade when making this silly ammounts of money?

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