Thursday, February 07, 2008

All for TFL and TFL for all

Advertising focuses on stimulating feelings in order to draw audiences' attention. For example there are some ads that generate the feeling of guilt, fear or happiness to those who come across it, so as to make them take home the ad message.

M&C Saatchi has created such an ad for TFL, in which people are called to work ''together for London'' and to show a little more consideration for others in order decrease stress levels. The ad targets all those who use public transport and tries to arise the feeling of guilt.

The central message is ''A little thought from each of us. A big difference for everyone''. The main purpose is to help people understand that they have to respect those around them, so they need to stop shouting on their mobile phones, lower the volume of their music, stop littering and offer their seats to the elderly.

Now repeat after me: ''I won't play my music out loud'', ''I will offer that person my seat'', ''I won't litter'', ''I won't shout on my mobile''.
Thank you!

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