Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Opus Energy Poll Shows That SME Owners Think Renewable Energy is Too Expensive or Too Confusing

Opus Energy has recently polled UK SME owners on their attitude to renewable energy. The survey found that companies were put off by the price and perceived complexity of using renewable energy. As a result only 12 % of the businesses Opus asked were currently using renewable power.
Approximately three quarters of the small companies polled were not using a specific renewable energy tariff. 72% have said they would consider renewable energy in the future, the other organisations stated that they did not want to use renewables either because of complexity (18%) or cost (47%). One third claimed they were not interested in the using renewable energy.

Opus Energy's Managing Director, Charlie Crossley Cooke has stated that the findings are insightful and show the current views of UK small businesses on renewable energy. He estimated that approximately 10% of all customers' bills are made up of green subsidiaries. Mr Crossley Cooke also believed that the proportion of renewable subsidies that all UK businesses pay will increase to approximately 25% over the next 12 months. SME businesses are already paying for renewable energy whether they realise it or not.

Mr Crossley Cooke commented that there needs to be more transparency for small companies who are already contributing to renewables. He believes this may then increase the take up of this form of energy by SMEs.

Opus Energy has sourced a large percentage of its energy from cleaner, low-carbon sources. During the past 2 years 70% of the power Opus Energy has supplied to customers has been sourced from cleaner or low carbon sources. 33% of the power was obtained from CHP (Combined Heat and Power) generators; the remaining 37% was sourced from renewable generators.

All the renewable power Opus Energy has sourced has been taken from generators accredited by Ofgem, the UK energy regulator. All the generators have all been given Levy Exemption Certificates by Ofgem to prove they meet the set standard. Opus Energy will continue to source significant proportions of its power from generators accredited as low carbon by Ofgem.

Opus Energy provide gas and electricity to companies within the UK. The business based in Northampton and Oxford was featured in the Sunday Times Top Track 250. A typical top track company has between 100 and 13,000 staff and is run by established families or entrepreneurs. Opus Energy was featured in the lisiting after seeing a 31% growth in sales figures over the previous year. The company has seen a continued growth rate during the first six months of this financial year.

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