Friday, May 14, 2010

Chemistry Club's Events

The Chemistry Club is an independent business that works within the technology field. The company hosts an assortment of different events each year in Central London and provides a variety of services including; executive coaching, special briefings and master classes. CEO of the Chemistry Club and his team, have run networking events for the past eleven years. They give executives the chance to meet people within their industry and discuss experiences in a neutral environment.

The Chemistry Club currently hosts nine networking events each year. The evenings are all based in Central London venues and enable individuals to meet each other in a very time efficient way. The Company states that the meetings are work events not social occasions.

The forums are usually fairly busy but still allow attendees to move around the room at their own pace. Each executive can meet as few or as many people as they wish. It is entirely by mutual consent as to who each individual speaks with and many people discuss industry topics with people they haven’t met previously.

The Chemistry Club's events also have a relevant topical speaker where possible. This is usually followed by a question and answer session which leads to further thought provoking questions.

The evenings are a great way to bring together people from different groups. Attendees usually include; senior executives from media companies, directors from venture capital firms, individuals from the public sector and executive management from leading companies. To encourage further debate the Chemistry Club also invites; heads of procurement, marketing directors and chief executives.

For more information about The Chemistry Club, Mark Simon and their services please visit the company's website.

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