In an office setting, which one will you choose? Obviously, each type of computer has their respective advantages. The desktop provides stability that could not be provided by laptops. Since each part could be installed independently, repairing them is a lot easier. You don’t need to open other parts of the computer if one component of the desktop is not working. The disadvantage of a desktop on the other hand, is on its size. A desktop can’t just be taken into places from time to time. It has to stay in one place so that it will not be easily destroyed and it’s just too inconvenient to carry around.
The laptop on the other hand, is the traveller’s computer. Its components are pieced together and laptops can be easily carried around. However, extreme care should be exercised when travelling with a laptop. A single broken component will force you to open your laptop wide open.
Because of the technological advancement, the difference in processing power for both laptops and desktop is almost the same. If you want to save on office space, you can always consider a laptop. But if you’re strongly considering serious upgrades for your computer, better stick to the reliable desktop.
A better comparison ,but i think desktop is much better than laptops for offical work.Because in offices work is heavier and too much is to be done .But for the personel purpose laptop will be a greate option.