If you want to go online with your business, you must plan ahead the steps you have to follow. First see what your needs are. If you are not sure, start with a smaller web hosting package which you can upgrade in time. A Starter Plan includes free domain name with your web hosting and enough web space for a thousand pages to start with. If your business grown and you need more web space, you can upgrade your package anytime. Once you have your domain registered and the website is online, you also get email addresses for your business needs.
Before launching your website you must design it, then transfer the files on the server. In order to create your site you have site building tools included in your
hosting package which makes easier the creation of your pages. You don't have to master computer language or be a design expert to be able to maintain and update your web page.
Even if there are a lot of technical words and jargon in this field, the company offering web hosting will also provide customer service and technical support for your business web site.
If you expect more than 1000 visitors per day to your web page then maybe you need an advanced package.
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