One of the most fundamental equations in physics relates energy and matter. It was created by Einstein and it basically says that matter and energy are interchangeable. You can have one or the other. If we borrow this equation and use it in the world of online business it still makes sense only matter and energy are replaced by money and time respectively.
This is simply a fancy way of saying that money and time tend to be interchangeable in the world of online business. You can spend time doing a particular task or you can spend money getting someone else to do the same task for you so that you can spend your time on something else. A good example of this is advertising. There are many free methods of advertising such as article and blog marketing that are just as effective over the long term as paid methods of advertising but the catch is that they tend to require a lot of time to pull off. Something like pay per click advertising on the other hand is very effective and takes practically no time at all to set up but at the same time requires a monetary investment.
Whenever you are figuring out tasks for your online business, you should be thinking not only in terms of time and money but also in terms of where the two can be interchanged. You can meet all of your goals for the month in your business even if you are short in one of the two just by increasing the amount of the other you invest into the system. Can't afford all your advertising goals? Spend some time doing free advertising instead.
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