Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Soccer nets on the network is an online store dedicated to goals for soccer and hockey. Different types of goals and soccer nets – from standard to kids’ rebound goal could be purchased from this website. Their prices are competitive and they are also heavy duty because of very sturdy materials included in the frame. They offer flat rate shipping for any type of goals which will give any customer especially those who are ordering the standard-sized goals, great savings.

But aside from goals that offer savings with high quality, the website offers actual pictures of the things they are selling. Most online stores provide processed pictures of their products but offers something more. Most of the products on the website are photographed with users. You will see kids and adults playing in front of the soccer goals. These pictures of Soccer Nets give the buyer a good idea of the size and look of the goal.

The layout of the website is very simple that first time users could easily navigate through the pages. The information on each product is also very impressive as the size and as well as features of the goal is included. Check out their resources page as the website provides additional information on the goals and websites where you can find more sports equipment.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Internet ad business increased despite economy

Internet advertising posted double digit growth for the third quarter this year. A growth of 11% was posted from the reports of Interactive Advertising Bureau. This double digit increase is significantly high given the global economy is fearing for a massive recession. This increase was compared to the third quarter performance last year.

Internet advertising posted total earnings of $5.9 billion this quarter. Not only this increase is significant compared to last year, this growth is also the second highest since the Interactive Advertising Bureau was established in 1996. The total revenue this year until the third quarter was reportedly at $17.3 billion. The figure represent an increase of a whopping 14% when compared to last year's revenues which was only $15.2 billion. Internet advertising has continued to face the challenges of tough economic times. Businesses and large corporations have realized that efficiency of internet advertising as it virtually knows no bounds. Internet advertising is also cost effective as companies could present a lot of data and information online without having to spend too much on production costs.

This data also presents a slow shift from traditional advertising to online advertising. As countries with established economies are quickly adopting digital services, online advertising is seen as a rising business and there are no indicators that it will die down considerably even with the tough economic times. The Internet Advertising Bureau is part of the New Media Group - a company owned by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Their data is considered the most credible for online advertising today.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Time and money in online business world

One of the most fundamental equations in physics relates energy and matter. It was created by Einstein and it basically says that matter and energy are interchangeable. You can have one or the other. If we borrow this equation and use it in the world of online business it still makes sense only matter and energy are replaced by money and time respectively.

This is simply a fancy way of saying that money and time tend to be interchangeable in the world of online business. You can spend time doing a particular task or you can spend money getting someone else to do the same task for you so that you can spend your time on something else. A good example of this is advertising. There are many free methods of advertising such as article and blog marketing that are just as effective over the long term as paid methods of advertising but the catch is that they tend to require a lot of time to pull off. Something like pay per click advertising on the other hand is very effective and takes practically no time at all to set up but at the same time requires a monetary investment.

Whenever you are figuring out tasks for your online business, you should be thinking not only in terms of time and money but also in terms of where the two can be interchanged. You can meet all of your goals for the month in your business even if you are short in one of the two just by increasing the amount of the other you invest into the system. Can't afford all your advertising goals? Spend some time doing free advertising instead.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bleak future for Windows Vista

As soon as Vista came out as the next big OS of Microsoft Corporation, reviews from tech bloggers and regular users were available online and most of them are never satisfied with the latest offering of Microsoft. Even with the hyped commercials featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld didn’t helped at all. Microsoft even played “dirty” by renaming the OS as “Mojave” but the rose by any name would still smell as sweet. These actions didn’t help to meet the expected sales for the first quarter.

Some would blame the popularity of netbooks – smaller laptops that sacrifice specs and real estate on screen for portability. Since the processors and RAMs are relatively smaller, Vista would have a hard time running in these smaller devices. The increasing popularity of Linux and the chic (with high security) appeal for Mac has also placed a dent on Vista.

But tech bloggers pointed out that the main reason why Vista’s sales didn’t improve as expected is the non-adoption of businesses. XP has been in the market for years now and its relevance to modern computing is still there. Aside from the business perspective, adoption for regular XP users tends to be expensive. Although Vista has come out with SP2 to fix different bugs, it may be too late for Vista to gain momentum in sales.

Seeing the sales of Vista, Microsoft may have raised their white flag on the latest OS. Windows 7 is currently being hyped by Microsoft and early Alpha release will be available for developers soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Online business - handle with care

The current economic situation has really created problems for many online businesses. With money being at an all-time low for many of the people in the developed areas of the world, families and individuals are being forced to cut down on many costs. One of the costs is of course supplementary purchases and for the most part if you run an online business then you are in the business of selling supplementary items in one form or another. Therefore the downturn has likely affected you as well but there are steps you can take to make sure your online business is able to weather the downturn with a satisfactory end result.

The first thing you should do is try to cut down on your business expenses as much as possible. This means that you might consider downgrading your hosting plans to more affordable options that still get the job done while at the same time cutting down on advertising methods that cost you money. Instead of PPC advertising maybe you should do extra article marketing as the latter is free. That is just one example of many in ways to reduce your expenses without significantly cutting down on your inflows and it is solutions like that which ultimately help businesses weather tough economic periods.

Expansion into other free areas of marketing is another option you might consider but you need to be very careful about how you go about it in order to ensure that you do not become overextended. Overextension is the enemy of the online business and in the end it is a mistake that could prove fatal.