That's when I came across a great paradox, a huge dilemma reflecting in perfect form all those tiny, little things that make people’s views so different upon the same subject.
After reading foolish reviews of shallow people who had minimum know-how about movies, I decided to try good old Microsoft but by accident, instead of launching the uk.msn.com – I launched the American version. Well, since I am here wouldn’t harm me to take a look what reviewers have to say about the movie I anticipated from across the Atlantic Ocean, I thought. The rating was almost 5 out of 5 stars, a grade which was elaborated extensively and quite convincingly on the article followed.
Content and even more excited about the upcoming Iron Man and thought to check the British msn as well. To my astonished disappointment I came across a tiny little description, a humiliating review regarding the movie as a disgrace for the brilliant trailer and with comments that it shouldn’t have been released in full length.
USA msn: http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie.aspx?m=2076905&mp=cr
UK msn: http://entertainment.uk.msn.com/movies/specials/summer-blockbusters/article.aspx?cp-documentid=8194674
Here I provide both links so you know what’s going on, and please someone help me, should I go and watch it or just download it after sometime?
I am a big fan of the comics but also loved the movie... i hope by now you have watched it and you could let us know what you thought yourself!?