Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pioneering concepts by Citigroup

Citigroup has set up a charity aiming to help young people involve and succeed in business.

In particular, the foundation-charity is aiming to get the worlds of education and business working efficiently together and set up paid internships for young school-age students.

The development tool is based on a model originally designed and established by the US arm of Citigroup to fill a gap in back-office staff. The scheme was first brought to the UK 6 years ago and now successfully involves 500 businesses.

Eventually, the program not only helps students to come out with new qualifications and ambitions but also makes companies involved to get to develop a new talent stream.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Google: new way of advertising!

Google few days ago launched new advertising technology allowing publishers to incorporate text advertisements into online videos in a long- awaited move.

The launch is considered as the search engine's most ambitious attempt to make money by selling advertising that will appear in video clips. In particular, the Internet search giant is anticipated to introduce a service soon to allow Web sites in its advertising network to embed relevant videos from YouTube content creators. For example, a blog or a Web site specializing in hiking may choose to implant hiking videos from YouTube.

This service is representing the first key combination of YouTube with a Google product. Furthermore, it will give the creators of videos extensive distribution that goes beyond YouTube via Google's network, known as AdSense.

Although many other networks distribute ads and videos on the Web, none can reach as many sites as AdSense.

Google claimed it would share earnings from the ads with the video creators as well as with the Web sites that embed them. It though declined to reveal the percentage of the revenue that will be kept by each of the parties.

To be continued...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Social networking on consumer's side

Social networking has become not only a way of online communication but also a trustworthy source of information for products.

Social computing technologies are being widely used by people of every age. They have become a vital part of consumers' lives helping them to make the right decisions when purchasing products. The easiest way to form consumers' opinion is to use blogs and online videos to publish product reviews. Product reviews are written by those who have ''consumed'' the product and can easily lead opinions on it. In other words, social networking sites help people to find other like-minded people online. In turn, as consumers interact, they tend to place less and less trust in messages and advertising delivered by merchants.

The whole ''game'' has isolated consumers from merchants regarding product recommendations; with 36% of consumers don't trust information even from their favorite retailers while 68% claimed family and friends were their top influencers. This shift- if managed wisely- can be leveraged by merchants to build successful businesses.

Nevertheless, what matters eventually is not whether customers talk about your brand but it's how and where. If merchants want to join the conversation, they should be aware of the risk they are being sidelined.

What should be taken into account though is that social computing can easily be a cost- effective means of driving conversion and acquisition. Merchants only need to beware of what is the ''news'' spread over online communities.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

''Bittersweet '' news for Cadbury

Few days ago Cadbury Schweppes announced its plans to increase prices due to the warning that costs are likely to go 5% higher in 2008.

The warning came up when the confectionary colossus posted pre-tax profit for 2007 much lower than 2006 due to additional charges incurred for restructuring the business.

However, after recovering from a product recall, Cadbury started growing again with the growth rate touching 5%. Moreover, sales were also boosted in the second half by the Dairy Milk advertising campaign as well as the Wispa relaunch.

Furthermore, there were rumors around cost reduction complying with the company's plans to close 15% of factories worldwide and cut about 7,800 jobs.

Let's hope the changes will bring significant revenue rise to the ''purple'' company.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

All for TFL and TFL for all

Advertising focuses on stimulating feelings in order to draw audiences' attention. For example there are some ads that generate the feeling of guilt, fear or happiness to those who come across it, so as to make them take home the ad message.

M&C Saatchi has created such an ad for TFL, in which people are called to work ''together for London'' and to show a little more consideration for others in order decrease stress levels. The ad targets all those who use public transport and tries to arise the feeling of guilt.

The central message is ''A little thought from each of us. A big difference for everyone''. The main purpose is to help people understand that they have to respect those around them, so they need to stop shouting on their mobile phones, lower the volume of their music, stop littering and offer their seats to the elderly.

Now repeat after me: ''I won't play my music out loud'', ''I will offer that person my seat'', ''I won't litter'', ''I won't shout on my mobile''.
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Lingerie for every taste and size

If your partner's drawer is full of white cotton bras and knickers that do not make her look quite attractive then you should start thinking of buying her some presents that will revitalize not only her mood but your relationship as well. The key thing when buying lingerie for a woman is to ensure she feels comfortable and sexy wearing it, not distressed and embarrassed.

Keeping that in mind, you should choose pieces that make woman look beautiful and sexy. Furthermore, what according to you turns her to a desirable woman it doesn't necessarily work for her. Thus, you should also find something that suits her personality and attracts her as much as you.

There are stores at which you can choose from a variety of lingerie that would please you and your loved one. If you want to be treated as an individual and also to live a luxurious and enjoyable shopping experience, offers a huge selection of lingerie in affordable prices and in a great range of sizes.

For lingerie, sexy lingerie, Plus size lingerie people of has launched a new lingerie collection which includes valentine Lingerie, Playfull Adult, Honeymoon, Erotic Dance, Bridal lingerie, Bikini, Dress, Party Wear and Christmas lingerie. Their list of different choices of style and colour lingerie can meet even the most demanding tastes; worth having a look.
