Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Opus Energy Have a Fantastic 10th Anniversary

Charlie Crossley-Cooke, Managing Director of Opus Energy

At Business Online we have followed the growth of Opus Energy fairly closely. We have written articles about who they are and what they do and all of their accomplishments. 18 months ago we told you about their success on The Sunday Times Top Track 250 and their announcement of 100 new jobs.

Well it looks like there’s more news to come. In this year’s Top Track 250, Opus Energy has managed to beat their last placement and have made position 129 on the list. They attribute this to a 38% growth in their revenue over the 2011/12 year, as well as the 100 new jobs created last year.

They’ve announced, as last year, that they’ll be creating 100 further jobs to deliver even faster and more effective customer service to their clients. This coincides with the launch of their NVQ Apprenticeships Scheme, which has seen 7 apprenticeships awarded since February, with 10 more coming over the next few months. This scheme provides their apprentices with on-the-job training and a significant pay cheque as they learn.

Opus Energy’s dedication to giving back doesn’t stop there, though. October saw the results of their Opus Energy Gift scheme announced. Opus Energy Gift was a £10,000 prize that was awarded to several local not-for-profit groups and charities within Northampton and Oxford (where their headquarters are based). The prize was a huge success and has provided many of the groups that entered with the funding to grow and conduct ambitious future projects.

This is on top of the charity work already conducted by OpusEnergy Challenge, a scheme for Opus Energy employees to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust by completing various activities and fundraising events. Last year employees raised more than £10,000 for the Trust, which Opus Energy then matched to make a donation of more than £20,000 to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. So far the company are well on their way to beating that figure with a donation in 2012.

They also sponsored a charity race day in September that raised £38,000 for the Heaton-Ellis Trust, which fights against motor-neurone disease.

Opus Energy were recently shortlisted for the Company of the Year Award by the Growing Business Awards 2012, based on all of the successful work that they’ve been doing. The company now power more than 150,000 business locations throughout the UK, which is a substantial amount. In 2008 they were powering only 48,000 sites, which goes to show just how far this independent energy supplier has come.

Charlie Crossley Cooke [pictured], Managing Director of Opus Energy, commented: “Operating in a sector that’s dominated by six giant energy companies, we feel that recognition of our achievements is well-deserved. By offering a real alternative to business energy buyers, we’ve seen continued growth over the last 10 years with our turnover increasing for 2011/12 by 38% to £272 million.”

As 2012 draws to a close and Opus Energy celebrates 10 years since being established, it’s safe to say that the company has had a fantastic 12 months as they turn to look at how to grow their business, give more back and improve their customer relationships in 2013. 

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