Steve Jobs recently announced that he’sstepping down from his position as CEO of Apple. He will be replaced by TimCook which he fervently supports in his letter of resignation. It’s importantto note that Jobs is stepping down as a CEO which means he will still be thechairman of the tech giant.
The announcement of Steve Jobs’ resignationcame as a surprise although many had expected it would happen during the nextfew years. His recent bouts with pancreatic cancer and a liver transplant havetaken their toll on his body. Everyone knows that Jobs is a hands-on CEO withvery rigorous work ethic which now leaves everyone wondering what Apple woulddo without its greatest innovator.
Steve Jobs role in Apple from 1997 to 2011 allowedApple to become one of the tech world’s most innovative companies. The releasesof the iPod, iPhone and iPad have practically changed the way every consumerinteracts with their gadgets. Every time Steve Jobs steps onto the stage with ahighly anticipated product, every tech company takes careful notes on what itdoes so that they could ride its popularity. Apples products may not be thefirst devices of their kind to hit the market but when they change the game andforce other companies to try to catch up with Jobs’ innovations.
The biggest question surrounding Apple nowis its future without Steve Jobs. Many are confident that it will continue tobe consumer specific with innovations instilled by Jobs for more than a decade.Of course, only time will tell if the effects of Jobs’ departure from Apple willaffect the company.
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