Friday, February 25, 2011

The Best XLV Super Bowl Ads and Groupon

Super Bowl is not just about the game as people who watch the event are also there to enjoy the commercials. With an average of $3.1 million for a 30-second commercial, you should expect quality advertising and not just something written over the weekend.

The Force is Strong with Volkswagen
The most popular and well loved commercial is undoubtedly from Volkswagen. The mixture of original soundtrack from Star Wars with a near-perfect replica (except the size) of Darth Vader costume worn lovingly by a kid will always draw attention. The kid’s reaction when Dad reaches out for a hug is an epic scene.
Get Out of Prison with Audi
It seems that this is the year of car manufacturers as Audi pulls an impressive commercial for their brand. Millionaires in prison should whet up the appetite for us regular folks but what really makes this commercial interesting is the “Kenny G” references. The appearance of the master musician himself should never be missed.
Eminem’s Detroit by Chrysler
This one doesn’t tickle any funny bones but it certainly gets the attention of millions because of Eminem. Aside from being patriotic, it reminds everyone how bleak it is in Detroit but people are fighting hard to win their city back.

Groupon’s Fiasco
While other companies have enjoyed the publicity during Super Bowl, Groupon had a hard time during this event. Groupon‘s advertisements weren’t shown during the Super Bowl because of complaints. Their ads about Tibet, Whaling and the Amazon were deemed as offensive. Although the idea of dark comedy within commercial is not new, the company opted to pull these out to avoid repercussions. These commercials can still be seen online.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Facts You Need to Know About Super Bowl Advertisements

Super Bowl is a championship game between two professional American football teams. It is the most watched sports event in USA and its popularity is slowly creating different traditions around the country. Half time show performances are always anticipated and sports fans in North America and even in other countries hold viewing parties as they enjoy the game. More than 90 million viewers watch the game each year.
But aside from the half time shows and parties, the Super Bowl is also a chance for companies to advertise their products and services. With more than 90 million viewers, the advertisements space during the Super Bowl have become a traditional time for companies to introduce new adverts. High-quality advertisements that often solicit nationwide reactions are always anticipated, some people even watch the game just to enjoy the advertisements.
30 Seconds to Entice Potential Customers
The real interesting fact about Super Bowl commercials is that they are only given 30 seconds in order to pitch their product. But even in 30 seconds companies can entice their customers to buy their products or subscribe to the services they offer. Some products and brands just want to get the attention of potential buyers this advertising spot allows them to easily promote their products around the whole of the U.S.A.
The Most Expensive 30 Seconds Ever
With 90 million viewers, it is expected that TV spots for the commercials are very expensive. Companies who wanted to have a spot during the game are expected to pay an average of $3 million. This is considered a very costly type of advertising because the ad will only run for 30 seconds and the fee does not include production costs and actor fees.