Monday, June 29, 2009

Strict online business security

An online business could be easily destroyed with one security breach only. Personal information of clients and the business could be stolen and used for illegal purposes. This will instill fear and mistrust from customers which will naturally drive them away.

The following are security measures that every online business owner should follow:

• Limited use of gadgets for password protected applications and software – as much as possible, access your reports and secured transactions in two or three gadgets only. This will help you track down security breach faster and limit access.
• Random password is a must – if you’re still using your favorite pet’s name as your password, change it. It doesn’t even matter if you use special characters to increase security. Create a totally unique password that doesn’t mean anything at all. Remembering them could be difficult but only write them on paper instead in your desktop.
• When in doubt, keep it out – although free or trial software could be very tempting since it might increase productivity and fun with your gadget, they might contain spyware or keystroke loggers to record everything that you do online. If you have a spare computer, use another computer for fun and games and leave your business laptop alone.
• Lookout for free Wifi – unfortunately, free wifi zones can’t be easily trusted anymore since they might contain spyware to monitor your activities. Be sure you connect only to those you trust or use your mobile phone network for more secured connection.

The following recommendations may sound harsh for your personal enjoinment online but they are implemented to ensure that you continue enjoying and improving your business.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Improve your online store

There are millions of online sellers actively pushing their products and services to online shoppers. Some concentrate on local customers for convenience while others push for more customers as they make their presence felt internationally with an online store.

Standing out is a little bit challenging because of sheer competition. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

Here are some tips on how you can stand out among other online sellers:

Creating a niche – think of a product or service that is uniquely your own. Although there is a great chance that someone has thought of that niche as well, the numbers are small so competition is not fierce.
Be original – one of the troubles of many online sellers is they provide a generic feel in their websites. Instead of being like the rest of online stores, create something new. Posting original photos and writing different descriptions are only some of the ways of being original.
Becoming an expert – really know what you sell. Aside from specifications, know the advantage and disadvantages of the product by providing tips and recommendations, buyers will have the personalized experience and confidence that they are buying their money’s worth.
Taking care of first time customers – A new customer should be treated like a king or queen. Offer discounts for first time buyers or offer freebies to attract them. With your expertise and good pricing, you’ll easily create a loyal customer.

An online store is very easy to put up but difficult to maintain while attracting customers. Be sure to be smart on how you handle your online store to significantly improve it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tips for making money online

First of all, Google Adsense is a great way to make money. If your site qualifies for ads, then you can have ads put right on your website.

Next, create an online store. This is so easy to do nowadays on the internet, thanks to all the sites that can help you set up web pages. Although this may be an old idea, it still remains true today and it will make you money.

Sell downloadable ebooks. So you are a writer, and you have some information or stories that you know that people would like. However, no one will publish you. Well, you can publish yourself. Make ebooks, and start selling them online. The great thing about ebooks is that, after you make one, you can sell that same one over and over again for money. Thus, you are able to charge people next to nothing and still make a very nice profit.

These may be easy ways to make money or ways that you have heard of before, but they remain the best and safe ways to make money online.