Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Advertising offline for online business

When it comes to advertising for an online business, everyone seems to go the same route. Everyone wants to be able to do a little advertising on sites like Google and Yahoo, and be done with it. You need to be willing to do a lot of community advertising as well.

First of all, see if there is some kind of radio advertising venue that you can afford. If you can get a spot on the radio between 5pm and 6pm, then you will be in good shape. This is because it's rush hour during this time, and a lot of people are listening to the radio in their cars.

Of course, there are other ways to go about doing local advertising as well. For example, you can call your local cable company for pricing as well. All you need to do is come up with a sponsored link and a nice catchy jingle, and you can do some local advertising. This costs a lot less than national advertising because it's just for a local community.

Another good way of advertising locally would be to go to the print. Now some newspapers are going out of business, so you will need to come up with some fliers. Find some places that you can hang your fliers, and be sure that it's not against the law.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Pay-per-click and your business

When it comes to online business, you know that you have to attract all the online visitors you can get. However, that means that some companies pay to be part of a pay per click advertising campaign. Pay per click will allow your business to attract more visitors to the site and more customers willing to pay for your products and your services.

The well-known online advertising program is the one offered by Google. Google offers the opportunity to advertise on its search engine. Thus your business can reach customers when they search for something. That something may be exactly what you are selling.
By using the appropriate keywords for your products and also by having attractive ad texts you are one click away from your customers.

Does this idea sound good to you? Than you can start your own advertising campaign on Google or you can get the support of an agency who will manage that for you.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Key performance indicators for your business

When it comes to running a business, one thing that people have to look into is developing key performance indicators. Pretty much, key performance indicators are a high level snapshot or layout of a business. These layouts are based on specific predefined measures. Most of the time key performance indicators come in the form of spreadsheets, reports, or even charts.

Key performance indicators can include a lot of information. In fact, some of them can even include global or regional sales figures. This can also include trends over time or the personnel stats and trends of the company. These charts can be set to update in real time and provide all of the latest information.

Having key performance indicators in your workplace can give your business the best high detail stats for your business. These can help you keep a close eye on the health of your company. It is very important to make sure that your information is very easy to view at a quick glance. This means that there are certain graphs and charts that will work better for different information.

A great example is that a bar chart could be a great way to show sales for different regions of your company. By looking at this different information, you will be able to see your company's strengths and other information at a quick glance.

Being able to keep up with the stats of a company is very important. These kinds of charts work great for everyday usage, as well as monthly meetings. Even if companies have to start from scratch, it's very important to start using key performance indicators for your business.