You can spend thousands of dollars on internet marketing to try to get people to come to your website, but it will take you a long time to make that money back. That is why you have to make internet marketing work for you. The best way to do that is with SEO (search engine optimization). Everyone uses search engines to find sites that they want to view, and if you can get your site ranked high on these search engines, then you will get a lot of free web hits.
There are two main ways that you need to go about making your site SEO ready. The first way is by adding in keywords. These are the keywords that are going to be picked up by search engines. However, you do have to work on making the keywords flow with the rest of your site. Do not make them stand out too much, and do not just list keywords on your site. Also, you have to get links to your website out there. The more links to your website that a search engines finds, the higher it is going to rank your site.
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