Sunday, March 30, 2008

Computer Virus 3D Portrait

Back in the early 70’s everything was simpler. Glaciers weren’t detouching from Antartica and you couldn’t use your mobile during a flight, cause you didn’t have one, but you could smoke. Back then it was wasn’t called Interned but Arpanet and Creeper virus was the “hippy” predecessor of the 2007’s Russian Storm worm, which “zombied” millions of computers globally.

While Creeper refrained simply into intoducing itself and challenging you in a fun chase around the current online security threats are a very dangerous nuisance for computer users globally. Yet, few sensitive users out there are determined to entertain they demons through art. If music is known to has charms to soothe the savage beast then graphic design may tame the malicious Internet visitors.

Artist Alex Dragulescu seeks atonement from famous worms, Trojan horses and viruses by depicting their qualities on his 3D portraits while fighting them employed from Internet security firm MessageLabs. Its is more of a love-hate relationship, though the images do look amazing. Alex derives his inspiration by infectious and spyware programs and creates his masterpieces based on the each program’s actual code.

My personal favorite one, illustrated above, is Netsky a spiky leaf calamari-like portrait in green of a worm which is a consistent Internet threat.

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