Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Top Super Bowl 2012 Ads

The hype and anticipation for the ads during the Super Bowl is almost as high as the American football game. Due to the popularity of the TV spot, companies create special ads for the commercial break and often have a campaign which leads to the adverts release. The commercials are often quirky and have in the past gone viral across internet sites such as YouTube.

Some ads are created to make the audience laugh while others try to convey a message in their content.

The following commercials were highly spoken about during the 2012 Superbowl;

Clint Eastwood and Chrysler

Clint Eastwood’s 2-minute commercial for Chrysler is somewhat of a surprise. Eastwood is famous for staring in Hollywood blockbusters however he rarely appears on a commercial. Some users have commented on the ad stating the commercial is a subtle message of approval for the President’s work. Both Republicans and Democrats have something to say about the commercial.

Samsung Galaxy Note and Darkness

In case you’re not familiar, the Darkness is a glam rock group that recently reunited. It’s one of the most popular rock bands of the past decade and their reunion is highly anticipated. The Galaxy Note ad heavily uses The Darkness’ song “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” and features the band’s vocalist.

Budweiser and Prohibition

Budweiser have had a string of top viral videos and their Super Bowl commercial didn’t disappoint. The ad celebrated the end of prohibition and although the historical accuracy of the ad is questionable, it was loved by many beer drinkers.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Learning More about SOPA & PIPA American Bills

Recently some of the biggest websites in the world have come together to show their disdain against the proposed American Bills. Called the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and the PIPA (Protect IP Act), these two bills were proposed to prevent copyright infringement. Piracy is one of the biggest problems today because almost everything that can be shared digitally can be downloaded without proper credit or payment to the owner. The SOPA and PIPA will try to curtail these problems by expanding the power of the content owner or owners as well as stronger law enforcement.
At first glance, SOPA and PIPA are two very impressive bills because they can help the owners and producers of music, movies, books and anything with intellectual property to get the correct compensation for their effort. However, closer examination of the bill presents very daunting effects on the online community. The potential perils led to various types of online protests. One of the most popular types of protest was done by Wikipedia when their English version went offline for 24 hours.
The effect of SOPA and PIPA if enforced can be very devastating because almost anything can be considered as intellectual property. For example, a kid singing a song by Beyonce in YouTube could be sued for intellectual property infringement. A blog could be shut down simply because of a single post with incorrect attributes on a single picture. Any phrase or implication of illegal file sharing could also cause some legal problems.
SOPA and PIPA will practically curtail free speech and expression. Fortunately, the congress put a stop on the bill because of the overwhelming opposition of the online users. For now, people are safe online because their freedom is never curtailed in a virtual environment.

Invensys Operations Management appoint Mike Caliel as CEO and president

Invensys plc has announced that Michael Caliel will become the CEO and President of the company's Operations Management division on January 1st 2012.
Mike worked for the business between 1993 and 2006. During the later part of his career with the company he was the Chief Executive of Invensys Process Systems, the biggest predecessor companies that was brought together to form Invensys Operations Management (IOM). He has more than 25 years worth of experience in the industry and until recently was the CEO of Integrated Electrical Services, Inc.
Mike is taking over from Sudipta Bhattacharya who joined the group in 2007 as the President of Wonderware Software division and took the role of leader of IOM in February 2009. Sudipta has decided to leave the company to take up a new role outside of the Group. Sudipta will be working with Mike in the meantime to ensure there is a smooth transition of responsibilities within the division and will be assisting on the company’s business development in Asia and the Middle East.
Chief Executive of Invensys Plc, Wayne Edmunds commented he was pleased to see Mike back at Invensys in a role which is very familiar to him. He has a great deal of experience in the industry and with the company’s products and technologies. Mike’s drive and enthusiasm will now be directed to building on the divisions strong market position. Wayne also stated he would like to thank Sudipta for his great work for the company during the past 4 years. IOM has continually seen double digit growth and we wish him the best with the future.