Saturday, December 26, 2009

Small Mail Service

Although the world is slowly moving towards email and tends to ignore traditional snail mail, this type of business still offers an opportunity for many individuals. Basically, this type of business will allow other businesses to place their coupons in the mail wherein they will be strategically mailed to potential customers.

This type of business specifically targets small businesses since they want an easily measurable method on how the coupons are attracting customers. By sending out coupons through the mail, they can have a concrete idea on customer's perception of the business. The mail service provider will also earn from this type of response as more mails will be sent out.

There are three factors that will contribute to the success of this business:
• Experience or Natural Skills in Sales - this is very important to start this type of business. You need to properly present the benefits of this venture to other businesses in your area.
• Software or Online Service for the Right Data - You need to subscribe to online services that provide information on specific households. This information will allow you to send mail to the right person or those who will most likely use the coupons.
• Right Printers or Outsourcing Company - you should also have the right printer and computer for this business. It's also possible to outsource this work but as a start you should try sending the mails yourself to know more about the business.

The only challenge to this type of venture is that other businesses might not see the benefit of mail campaign. As long as you point out the advantages wherein you advertise and gauge customer’s reaction to promos, the possibility of success is high.

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