The following are online businesses that can provide considerable income even during part-time:
• Blogs on Health - becoming a health blogger is relatively easy but can't be done by everyone. Dedicate on certain products, ailments or on certain exercises in order to attract a specific crowd. A good niche is to focus on alternative health care and diet.
• Selling Supplements Online - you don't have to establish a pharmacy just to sell health related products online. Focus on supplements as they provide alternative health care sought by many individuals.
• Becoming an Affiliate - it's also a good idea to becoming an affiliate of various health products. You can promote their products through your blogs or simply place their banner as advertisements. The earnings are not that much compared to selling but do not require a lot of effort in your end.
Look out for Scams
While there are hundreds of products and programs you can use to earn online, it's always important to look out for scams. Always remember that you don't have to pay just to become an affiliate or a blogger. This type of venture only requires time and dedication with a small investment for web hosting purposes.