Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Fall of Google+… or did it never take off?

Google+ is the social network created by the Mountain View, California based Google Inc.
According to Google’s Chief Executive Larry Page, Google+ has become a robust competitor in the social network space, with 90 million users registered since June 2011.

A Wall Street journal points out that Google+ is more like a virtual ghost town compared to its biggest rival Facebook. The data from the research firm comScore shows that Google+ users are signed up, but not actually using much Google’s Social network. Users stay an average of about three minutes a month on Google+ (September to January), compared to six to seven hours on Facebook each month for the same period. Unfortunately the report didn’t include mobile data usage.

Google is making a long-term bet as it hasn’t yet approached companies to advertise on Google+. Unfortunately some web marketers that tested Google+ says that their brand messages haven’t had the impact on consumers they expected. But Google also uses the networking site as an auxiliary for other Google services, such as personalized search results, including results from Google+. Google claims that comScore’s data is “dramatically lower” than their internal data.

Still most Google+ partners are underwhelmed by the lack of user interest and user activity. Intel for instance has 360.000 Google+ subscribers, but get only dozens of comments on its posts whereas on Facebook the company has nine million “fans” and gets thousands of comments there.

“Google+ doesn’t have the same degree of vibrancy than Facebook, Twitter or even Pinterest has at the moment” said David Cohen. The executive vice president of McCann Erickson commented “Without active engagement, Google+ will not be attractive to advertisers.”

So even if Google approaches the companies to advertise on Google+, it might be too late for Google’s social network if the costumers have already moved into other networks such as Pinterest or Tumblr.